Enrichment Offerings
Our students enjoy weekly enrichment classes in art, physical education, and technology taught by dedicated, subject-expert teachers. These classes broaden the curriculum and enhance your child’s intellectual, social, and physical development.
We know learning doesn’t just occur in the classroom. Our students and families are engaged in learning and relationship building the moment they arrive at school.
Each morning, we have a Morning Meeting for students, staff, and families in Spanish and English. It’s a great chance to talk and offer resources and support–and a terrific way to start our day!
After School and Summer Programs
We offer free after school and summer programs for Kindergarten through 5th grade students that include academic support, fun enrichment activities, clubs, snacks, and a meal. Our teachers, resource staff, and volunteers lead the grant-funded, free after school and summer programs. Our After School Program enrolls 65% of our students selected by lottery. We operate Monday through Thursday on all full school days for 3 hours a day.
Student Clubs
Our community partners provide great student clubs for fun and discovery.
String instruments for every grade MAESTRO Ensemble, Inc.
A championship chess team, coached by Boardroom Chess. Read about our Wolves sweeping the spring 2023 Baltimore invitational chess tournament.
Coed baseball team in the Southeast Baseball League
Coed soccer and disc golf
Girls running club with Girls on the Run